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Advantages of Organic Hemp Oil

What are the Advantages of Organic Hemp Oil Use?

The Advantages of Organic Hemp Oil

Advantages of Organic Hemp Oil

You may have hemp-based lotion, lip gloss, and shampoo, but have you added hemp oil to your pantry? More people are incorporating organic hemp oil into their diets these days, and it's not without good reason. This food ingredient, like many other hemp-derived products, can offer a long list of benefits. But, unlike other hemp products, organic hemp oil is best when incorporated into your diet.

Organic Hemp Oil Has 9 Advantages

Organic hemp oil is fast becoming one of the most popular natural remedies thanks to its excellent nutritional value. If you are looking to improve your health by adding hemp oil to your skin and diet, then you have come to the right place.

Hemp seeds are a member of the cannabis family and are packed with nutrients that are highly beneficial to many of the body's systems.

Organic Hemp Seed Oil is created by cold-pressing hemp seeds into unrefined oil.

This oil can be used in several ways to improve overall health.

Organic hemp oil offers myriad potential benefits ranging from improving acne to slowing the progression of heart disease and Alzheimer's, thanks to its ability to reduce internal inflammation.

The key to the healthy abilities of hemp oils is their high content of fatty acids. Hemp oil is rich in two vital essential fatty acids: linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3). Humans need these essential fatty acids to maintain good health, but they cannot produce them on their own and must ingest them daily in natural products such as hemp oil.

Let's look at the advantages of Organic Hemp Oil in more detail.

Skin health

Organic hemp oil is a highly nourishing oil that is especially beneficial for the skin. It is rich in vitamins and fatty acids that make it highly effective in nourishing the skin and protecting it from inflammation, oxidation, and other causes of aging.

In studies that have been done, they found that the application of organic hemp seed oil strengthens the skin and makes it better able to resist infections. They also found that it can help prevent breakouts and in treating a variety of skin problems, including eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, varicose eczema, lichen planus, an inflammatory skin condition, and acne rosacea.

Brain health

The brain needs a lot of healthy fatty acids to function properly. Hemp seed oil is rich in these essential fatty acids and other compounds necessary for its function. In a recent study done with mice, they found that a hemp seed extract containing these fatty acids and compounds could help protect the brain against inflammation.

Heart health

Many of the nutrients in hemp seed oil have been found to support healthy heart function. Organic hemp oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. And the omega-3 and 6 content can also help lower blood cholesterol, further protecting the heart.

Stress management

Hemp oil has been shown to affect activity in the limbic part of the human brain, which is responsible for our "fight or flight" response. A study in 2011 found that hemp oil significantly relieved stress related to public speaking compared to a placebo.

Cognitive health

A small study in mice in 2014 showed that hemp oil prevented the development of social recognition deficit, which is a common occurrence in age-related cognitive decline. But more research is needed to validate these findings in humans.

Reduce anxiety

Fatty acids have also been found to be effective in relieving anxiety levels. One study found that participants were able to reduce anxiety by up to 20% by taking a supplement of omega-3, the key nutrient found in organic hemp oil.

It May have neuroprotective properties

Hemp oil can act on the endocannabinoid system and other brain signaling systems can provide benefits to people with neurological disorders.

Relieve arthritic pain

To maintain a more manageable and pain-free quality of life, people can use organic hemp oil to relieve arthritis symptoms. The hemp seed oil contains many anti-inflammatory properties and the nutrients responsible for this effect can help reduce the symptoms associated with arthritis.

Bits of help reduce weight

Given all the medical and mental health applications where hemp oil shows promise, it's only natural to believe that it can do just about anything! Unfortunately, this does not appear to be the case. Cannabinoid research is still in its infancy and discoveries are being made daily. But at the moment, there is not enough scientific evidence that hemp oil is useful as a weight-loss tool. Hemp oil, however, could be a healthy addition to any diet, and you may be pleasantly surprised by the taste.

Hemp oil is not the same as cannabidiol (CBD) oil. CBD oil production uses the stems, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant, which contain a higher concentration of CBD, another potentially beneficial compound in the plant.

Hemp seed oil comes from the tiny seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. The seeds do not contain the same levels of compounds as the plant itself, but they still have a rich profile of nutrients, fatty acids, and useful bioactive compounds.

Full-spectrum hemp oil that also contains plant matter can add other effective compounds, which can help with certain health problems, such as inflammation.

What exactly is Hemp Oil?

Hemp oil, which is sometimes referred to as hemp seed oil, is a complete plant oil that is derived from the seeds of hemp. Not to be confused with CBD oil, which is oil, extracted from the plant material and used for therapeutic purposes, hemp oil is used primarily as a food source and in some health and beauty products.

What are the benefits of using Hemp Oil?

Although organic hemp oil is not considered therapeutic, so to speak, it has a healthy list of benefits for the body. Hemp seeds provide a large dose of valuable fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that your body needs. Here's a closer look at some of the benefits of organic hemp oil.

Encourage Skin Health

Hemp oil is full of fatty acids, such as linoleic, a-linoleic, and oleic fatty acids. Fatty acids are known to help with things like oxidation and inflammation, which can lead to many skin problems, such as redness and aging. A published review suggested that hemp oil may offer a list of benefits to help with things like:

·         Inflammatory skin conditions

·         Varicose eczema

·         Dermatitis

·         Psoriasis

·         Acne rosacea

As a bonus, hemp seed oil can also be beneficial for your hair for the same reasons that it is good for your skin. Essential fatty acids can promote hair growth, strength, and shine. Technically, hemp oil can be applied topically to the skin or directly to the hair and provide benefits. That is why oil appears a lot in today's health and beauty products. However, incorporating the oil into your diet means that your hair, skin, and other body systems reap the benefits.

What are the advantages of hemp oil for your skin?

There are many skincare benefits that you can get from using hemp oil, either topically or by consuming it.

advantages of hemp oil for your skin

Moderates oil production

Hemp oil is perfect for most skin types, as it can hydrate without clogging your pores. It can even help balance oily skin, hydrate it, and regulate skin oil production.

Dryness can also cause your skin to overproduce oil, which in turn can stimulate acne. Hemp oil can prevent dry skin without clogging your pores. This helps reduce acne caused by excess oil.

Moisturizes and soothes inflammation

One of the omega-6 fatty acids in hemp oil is gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory while stimulating skin growth and the generation of new cells.

This can help calm skin inflammation and irritation, including acne and some conditions like psoriasis, while keeping the skin nourished and hydrated.

Treats atopic dermatitis

Part of what makes hemp oil so beneficial for your skin is that it is rich in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming these nutrients can help treat skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis.

A single-blind randomized crossover study found evidence that hemp seed oil in the diet reduced the symptoms and appearance of clinical atopic dermatitis after 20 weeks.

Has anti-aging properties

In addition to hydrating and soothing the skin, hemp oil has anti-aging properties. Hemp oil can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, as well as prevent the development of signs of aging.

The body cannot produce the linoleic acid and oleic acid found in hemp oil, but they can play crucial roles in skin health and anti-aging, so they are important nutrients to add to the diet.

Support Your Brain's Well-Being

Most people eat a lot of foods that are good for your body, but what about using what you eat to protect your brain? Organic hemp oil can help maintain brain health due to the aforementioned fatty acids, amino acids, and other healthy components. The brain needs essential fatty acids to function at its best, but perhaps most importantly, hemp oil also contains polyphenols, which are believed to offer some level of protection for the brain.

Give something good to your heart

Hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol) is a huge problem in the United States with more than 100 million Americans having high cholesterol levels above 200 mg / dL. High cholesterol is never good for the heart; it is often considered a silent link in the development of heart disease. One of the benefits of organic hemp oil that you may be interested in knowing if you have high cholesterol is its potential to help you lower it.

Research published in 2019 covered how hemp seed could help lower cholesterol in animal studies. The test animals were determined to have reduced lipid profiles. Of course, more study is needed, but these early indications show promise for heart health and hemp seed oil.

Encourage a Healthy Body Weight

As long as you can swap an unhealthy fat for "healthy" fat, you could gain advantages when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight. Organic hemp seed oil can help promote a healthy weight for a few reasons, but much remains to be formally investigated. The biggest possibility is that hemp oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) like omega-3 and omega-6. A diet high in saturated fat may be linked to obesity, but PUFAs can help maintain metabolic rates.

How can you include Organic Hemp Oil in your Diet?

Including organic hemp oil in your diet is by no means difficult. Just use the oil in place of other oils when making things like salad dressings, spreads, sauces, and more. For example, you can use hemp oil to make pesto or delicious hummus. Adding a little oil to a cold smoothie or soup can also include this beneficial oil in your daily intake. Just be aware that hemp oil can lose some of its nutritional value when heated. Therefore, it is not the best oil for cooking at high temperatures, such as frying or sautéing. However, it is perfectly fine to heat the oil to a warm temperature, and this will also preserve the flavor profile.

Try Organic Hemp Oil and See What A Difference It Makes In Your Body.

Milk may be the ingredient that's supposed to do the body well, but it's easy to make the case for hemp oil with so many potential benefits. If you're ready to add good, healthy oil to your diet, try Higher Hemp CBD Organic Hemp Oil. The oil is cold-pressed to preserve its nutritional elements and is ideal for use in a long list of recipes. Browse all of our organic cooking oils on the Higher Hemp CBD website to find a healthy and delicious alternative today!

Your skincare secret weapon

Loaded with all 20 amino acids and more essential fatty acids than any nut or seed, it's clear why adding hemp to your diet is a good idea, but can these same nutrients benefit your skin?

The answer: yes!

The omega 3 and 6 found in hemp oil are responsible for their anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight common skin problems and keep your skin looking healthy.

It is important to buy organic, unrefined, cold-pressed hemp oil so that you can be sure that you are using the highest quality, chemical-free oil on your skin.

Here are our favorite ways to use hemp oil for a flawless complexion.

Acne treatment

While it may seem counterintuitive to apply oil to acne-prone skin, hemp oil has a comedogenic rating of 0 and doesn't clog pores. Thanks to the essential fatty acids present in hemp, hemp oil treats inflammation and redness without stripping the skin of its natural oils. The next time you experience a breakout, avoid common acne products that contain harsh chemicals and apply hemp oil to your skin instead.

Face mask

You don't have to leave home the next time you need a facial - create your hemp oil mask in 3 easy steps. We love this hemp oil face mask for its hydrating and clarifying properties, plus it's super mild and chemical-free.


1 ripe avocado (about 2/3 cup)

3 Tablespoons Higher Hemp CBD Organic Hemp Oil

1 Tablespoon. Higher Hemp CBD Organic Coconut Oil

2 Tablespoon. Bentonite clay (or French clay)

4 drops of lemongrass essential oil


Combine avocado, hemp oil, coconut oil, and essential oil in a blender or food processor. Pour the mixture into a bowl and add the clay. Apply to the face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse and pat dry.


One of the easiest ways to incorporate hemp oil into your skincare routine is to use it as a daily moisturizer. After cleansing your face and patting it dry, pour a dime-sized amount of hemp oil into your hands and massage it into your skin. You will immediately notice how hydrated and smooth your skin looks and feels!


A mild homemade soap can be created with as few as 5 ingredients, and hemp oil is one of them. Making your soap is an easy way to save money and control what ingredients are absorbed into your skin.

Hemp Seed Oil Has 6 Skin Benefits

The hemp seed oil has a bit of a cult following. As incredibly nourishing oil for the skin on many levels, it plumps up the look of your skin, firms, and tones the appearance of your skin, and provides powerful antioxidant activity to help promote beautiful skin.

Oil for oily skin

But the benefits of this oil don't stop there. People with oily skin and clogged pores trust it because it is hydrating without aggravating the problem. People with sensitive skin love how smooth it is, widely tolerated by all skin types, and some even use it on their hair because it is a very natural conditioner.

What is Hemp Seed Oil?

Hemp seed oil comes from the seeds of the hemp plant, which is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species. You've probably heard of cannabis when it comes to marijuana, but the species used to make the drug contains higher levels of the "Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)" component, which is the component that contains psychoactive properties.

What is the distinction between hemp and marijuana?

Regular hemp, however, has much lower concentrations of THC and higher concentrations of "Cannabidiol (CBD)", which reduces or eliminates the psychoactive effects. The standard hemp plant has been used for centuries to make rope, clothing, food, paper, plastics, insulation, textiles, and more, while the seeds were eaten raw or ground into a meal.

Also, hemp seeds do not contain THC.

Cold-pressed is best

Cold-pressed hemp seed oil is dark green to light green with a nutty flavor. Refined oil is clear with little flavor and also contains less nourishing qualities for the skin. As with all oils, cold-pressing is the healthiest.

What Are the Health Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil for the Skin?

As we mentioned, the hemp seed oil is packed with elements that essentially act as food for your skin, leaving it nourished and healthy. Here's what that means when it comes to the look and feel of your skin:

Plumps Dry, Tired Skin - Rejuvenates skin, creating a more youthful glow (most effective when used with our natural facial serum products).

Provides Long-lasting Hydration - If your skin dries out in the middle of the day, you may want to give this oil a try as continued use over time will help your skin's ability to retain moisture.

Balance Oily Skin - Because hemp seed oil does not clog pores, it is often thought to be the ideal moisturizer for skin that has suffered from these problems.

Skin Soothing - If you can use a little relief for the feeling of temporary skin irritation, this may be the oil for you. Hemp seed oil is naturally soothing and the moisture it provides fights temporary discomfort.

Reduces the Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles - Hemp seed oil can protect against different environmental factors and can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Suitable for all skin types: What do you do if your skin is struggling? Maybe you have clogged pores or dryness at the same time. Hemp seed oil is calming and relaxing while providing just the right amount of moisture.

Hemp Seed Oil's Strength


The sunsets earlier, the cold winds blow. Winter is coming! And you must prepare your skin for the battle against the damaging and drying effects of the colder season. But what are the best products to protect us? Introducing Cannabella, the family-owned skincare brand with a mission to share the benefits of organic hemp seed oil to save skin. Packed with nourishing botanicals, these US-made plant-based products are a game-changer for all skin types.

What Is Hemp Seed Oil, Exactly?

Hemp seed oil is made by pressing the hemp seeds of Cannabis sativa, the non-pharmacological variant of the marijuana plant that does not contain significant amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cold-pressed, unrefined hemp seed oil is revered by the scientific / healthcare community for its naturally hydrating and skin-balancing properties, such as phytochemicals. It's the new skincare hero ingredient!

Hemp Jelly

Here in the United States, the winter months bring dry winds and little humidity. Whether you experience acne, dryness, irritation, redness, or dullness, these cold conditions do not help your skin healing process. Enter Cannabella's Hemp Jelly! This multi-purpose skin treatment is a handcrafted balm that helps heal, soothe and replenish.

Raw, unfiltered hemp seed oil is combined with premium botanical ingredients to produce each bottle of Organic Cannabella Hemp Jelly. The formula is so fresh you can smell it! We are talking about a perfect blend of shea butter, apricot, avocado, and the main ingredient: organic hemp seeds. Do you need a lip balm, an overnight mask, or a facial cleanser? This plant-based healing balm has you covered. Also, it is easy to apply. Use it to help recover from sunburns, skin rashes, and wind burns; your skin will thank you.

Clarify Serum

Does your skin long for me to lift up? Cannabella's 100% Botanical Clarify Serum delivers a nourishing burst of healthy nutrients. Taking a closer look at the organic formula, we see a rich variety of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and fatty acids. Who would have thought that watermelon seed oil (Citrullus Lanatus) was great for your complexion! The anti-inflammatory properties of Clarify Serum can help:

·         Prevent premature aging

·         Promote clear skin conditions

Relieves dry, rough, and tired-looking skin

Cannabella suggests adding this unique blend of raw hemp seed oil and botanical-infused ingredients to your skincare routine to help maintain a clear, healthy complexion. Use 3 to 5 drops of Clarify Serum on the back of the hand and apply to the forehead, cheeks, and under-eye area before spreading evenly.

NO harmful chemicals, NO cruelty to animals, and NO crazy claims. Brownie Points for Cannabella!

So, are you ready for some new and improved skincare? Cannabella's herbal products give you real long-term results that speak for themselves.

Have you used hemp seed oil? Let us know in the comments below!

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